Replay from March 5, 2025 rom the Silicon Valley Health Initiative: In mid-2023 humanity started experiencing significant shifts in their subtle vibrational energies, affecting both body and biofield. From an external physical basis, there were no obvious changes. But within our bodies and biofields, activations were making changes. The changes may last from days to months and are permanent and may last until another change replaces the previous one. These changes have been continuous since mid-2023. 

The talk gives a synopsis of the shift in humanity and in the Earth. The shift is linked to the nature of who we are since our vibrational levels are linked to the vibrational levels of the structures responsible for the increases. As a result of our high vibrational levels and the changes in subtle energies on Earth, we have changed in meaningful ways.

Jerry Gin discusses The fundamentals of achieving Harmony and why that is important. The nature of imbalance and why that causes illness on a personal level, breakup of relationships, political party dysfunctions, wars, and other problems. On a planetary basis, imbalances cause earthquakes, volcanoes, and hurricanes. How matter is formed and that all matter is formed in this manner. Why imbalances are inherent in the formation of matter and how you can bring back balance. How you interact with matter, but that the essence of you is not matter.

By Jerry Gin | In this video I address the importance of Rethinking and Thoughts. Our choice of Words and Thoughts are very important. In school, we are taught that sticks and stones can break your bones but words can never hurt you. This thinking is incorrect because we are all creators and and we create with every word and thought. Here, I explain how finding the answer to the truth of questions or understanding to deep statements such as the meaning of “I AM” requires rethinking, and how when seeking the truth of anything, one should follow a spiral path of thinking.

W.C. Gough and R.L. Shacklett | This is the third of a series of three articles that will outline a proposed scientific model with the goal of stimulating a new vision toward resolving the Mind-matter question and acknowledging an underlying connectiveness in the universe. Scientific is defined to mean that the ‘parts’ or links already exist as useful concepts in the scientific community. The model being proposed assumes that everyday reality is not simply “out there” nor is it “within.” Rather, it is suggested that everyday reality is a “perception” we construct from aspects of the “unity” within which we are immersed.

W.C. Gough and R.L. Shacklett | Part II, Mapping Beyond Space-Time, discusses a process of interfacing between Mind and matter consistent with the concepts of quantum physics. Emphasis is placed upon the quantum feature of non-locality and upon twistor theory. The issues of causality and reproducibility in science are discussed. The article concludes with a description of the dynamics of the process — how the interplay takes place and works. This includes an outline of other symbolic tools of mathematics such as chaos theory that permit extending our three dimensional thinking.

W.C. Gough and R.L. Shacklett | This is the first of a series of three articles that outline a proposed scientific model with the goal of stimulating a new vision toward resolving the Mind-matter question and acknowledging an underlying connectiveness in the universe. The model proposed assumes that everyday reality is not simply “out there” nor is it “within.” Rather, it is suggested that everyday reality is a “perception” we construct from aspects of the “unity” within which we are immersed.

Energy is flowing in your body all the time. If you learn to pay attention to it, you can feel it. Energy flow is an integral part of dowsing and working with a pendulum to receive information from your right brain (or subconscious). This video teaches the fundamental pendulum motions used in dowsing and in Radiesthesia (physical dowsing) and to give you a feel of energy flow in your body which directs the pendulum motion.

Dr. Kathleen Riley |
Frequencies of Coherence: Raising the Vibration of the Global Field |
Intention begins in the heart. It is connected to our higher self, higher consciousness, and the global field. Through the frequencies of our intentions, we create a vibratory resonance that is transmitted throughout our beings to every cell and biophoton, and outward to the global field.

Using the concept of resonance, one can detect vibrational and subtle energies. The tools of Radiesthesia are discussed and how the tools can detect subtle and vibrational energies. Applications for measuring your personal vibrational level and to know what foods and supplements are good for you are described in other YouTubes in this series. The principles will apply to measuring the 3-6-9 energies of GANS and Ormus.

Overview by Jerry Gin of FMBR

In recent years, there have been a number of theorists who have provided us with alternative physics theories to view matter, energy, the nature of the universe and consciousness. The new theories attempt to bring together many of the inconsistencies current theories are unable to explain.

by Jerry Gin, PhD of FMBR

At the quantum level, there is entanglement of photons, electrons, particles, atoms, etc. In the classical wave/particle experiments2, the observer determines the outcome of the experiment by his choices. Thus, there is the argument that consciousness/observer/intent dictates the outcome of what is manifested in the wave/particle experiments.