mission + goals
FMBR is a non profit organization that seeks to advance the consciousness of individuals and organizations so we can live in greater harmony with one another, the earth, and the cosmos.
Through the study of science, higher realities, and Universal Laws and principals, FMBR seeks to provide resources to help individuals discover, explore, and apply this wisdom so that they can live with a greater sense of peace, love, understanding and freedom.

The Foundation for Mind-Being Research (FMBR) was established in 1980 to assist in the creation of integrated models of human consciousness, models that encompass the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of the human experience. The objective was to bring the then-new field of consciousness studies into wider recognition as a bona fide field of science, and to explore whether consciousness arises out of physical matter (i.e., the brain) or whether it is a state of matter unto itself.
As growing numbers of theoretical physicists are concluding that consciousness exists independent of matter, we at FMBR are working to explore the implications of such findings, for individuals and for our society as a whole. We believe that science can be instrumental in helping to change the current dominant worldview from one of separation, scarcity and competition, to one of connectedness, partnership and synergy. We are part of a rapidly expanding movement of pioneers in service to the evolution of human consciousness for the betterment of the individual, society and the planet.
With awareness that we are living in truly transformative times, FMBR is moving to expand its educational component -- to teach the implications of our 42 years of explorations and learning for the good of society and the world. FMBR continues to focus its attention, intention and research upon the leading edge of scientific exploration, drawing from pioneering scientific and technological discoveries and from ancient wisdom traditions in order to elucidate a positive way forward for humanity and the Earth.
FMBR is a volunteer-run non-profit 501(c)3 membership organization.
To support our work, please consider joining us.