“We’re living in a time when nothing will be as it was, a time of monsters, but a time of angels. A time of darkness but a time of great light. For many, this is not an easy time.The world around us is a reflection of who we’ve been until now. The only way to repair the world is if we ourselves are willing to change. If we can all just be a little kinder, a little more merciful, and a lot more forgiving, that of itself will generate new beginnings.We are all united by invisible filaments and what we think affects the whole.”
~ Marianne Williamson

Welcome to 2025
Perhaps you are feeling the rapidly increasing frequencies that are available to us on the planet now. More and more people are recognizing that we are in a place of profound transformation on every level: old systems, old ways of being are crumbling and what's emerging is anybody's guess, though theories abound. At FMBR we believe that human consciousness is evolving at an increasing pace and that this time in the history of the planet is an extraordinarily potent time in our evolution.
That being said, growth is often a challenge, and growth on this scale is likely unprecedented in known human history. We know many people are struggling. And that is why, when I was asked if there was a theme for our 2025 presentations, I proposed that we concentrate on tools and practices that will help us navigate the river rapids of change that this year promises.
I came across a quote by Ram Dass, who said,
“I've been asked many times whether this is the Aquarian Age and it's all just beginning, or if this is Armageddon and this is the end, and I have to admit I don't know. My work is to quiet my mind and open my heart and relieve suffering wherever I find it.”
And that’s it, really, isn’t it?
Quiet the mind.
Open the heart.
Relieve suffering where you can.
In other words, try to be the spiritual adults in the room, so to speak. We are evolving, not just individuals, but as a species, as a collective, to be spiritual adults, able to live together with quiet minds and open hearts, connected to each other and to the Earth. I believe that is the process we are undergoing. That belief gets me up in the morning when suffering seems to be everywhere, and hope seems far away. That, and being on this journey with all of you. We incarnated precisely for these times and it's a privilege to explore and grow with you.