Replay:”The Eco-Art of Earth’s Other-Than-Human-Lifeforms” with Atala Toy

Consider Supporting Our Year-End Giving Campaign: FMBR is a non profit organization that seeks to advance the consciousness of individuals and organizations so we can live in greater harmony with one another, the earth, and the cosmos. In this season of giving, we hope you might consider making a year-end tax deductible donation to help support our mission, operating costs, and continued expansion in 2024. Any donation is greatly appreciated, and no amount is too small to make a huge difference!
About Atala Toy
Atala is a nature-beings photographer and interdimensional communicator whose career dates back to 1995. She is, and has been, an author, educator, photographer, product designer, retail business owner and community activist. She has presented on interdimensional topics at annual conventions, offered workshops for organizations, and has appeared on tv and radio shows.