Jerry Gin, PhD
In the new physics and in the new field of cosmometry,1 it is the fundamental pattern that results in the motion (Bohm's holomovement) from which all is created. Everything starts with the point of infinite potential. The tetrahedron at the point gives birth to the cuboctahedron (Vector Equilibrium); its motion and structure result in the creation of the torus structure. The torus structure is self-referencing on a moment by moment basis since all must pass through the center. But isn't self-referencing the basis for consciousness? It is said that all of creation has awareness, but at different levels. We know plants are aware of threats and of death to other living creatures by the work of Cleve Backster. We know we influence random number generators from the PEAR studies at Princeton. We know baby chicks will influence the movement of robots programed to do a random walk from the work of Rene Peoc'h. Quantum physics has embraced geometry with the work in the equations which explain the Feynman diagrams where particles come in and out of existence; those equations form a structure called the Amplituhedron -- which is a quarter of a star tetrahedron.
We also know that the tetrahedron can form the star tetrahedron and that each point of the star tetrahedron can form its own star tetrahedron, which can go on infinitely. That is, there is infinity in the finite. As in the fractal and holographic universe, each point or tetrahedron is connected to every other point. If each point has awareness due to formation of the torus, then Hermes teaching of "As above, as below" has meaning in the torus structure.
If the torus is the fundamental unit of self-reference, is that the fundamental unit from which consciousness arises? The torus or double torus appears to be fundamental to all of creation -- from galaxies to planets to atoms to photons.
Key Words: Consciousness, torus structure, fundamental pattern, zero point energy field, ether, sacred geometry, flower of life, phi ratio, phi spiral, Vector Equilibrium, cuboctahedron, isotropic vector matrix, Amplituhedron, star tetrahedron.
At the quantum level, there is entanglement of photons, electrons, particles, atoms, etc. In the classical wave/particle experiments2, the observer determines the outcome of the experiment by his choices. Thus, there is the argument that consciousness/observer/intent dictates the outcome of what is manifested in the wave/particle experiments. But one might also make the argument that everything in the universe is connected and has awareness at different levels. Evidence will be presented that there appears to be awareness and connection at multiple levels -- from the quantum particles to animate objects such as plants and animals. Could that level of awareness at the electron/photon/particle level be in communication with the observer/intent of the experiment?
In addition to the concept of awareness being an inherent part of the universe, studies of the new physics and of sacred geometry, as well as a better understanding of the geometry deriving from the new physics, the torus structure also appears to be a fundamental pattern in the universe. The torus structure has an inherent property of self-referencing: motion into and out of the torus results in all parts of the torus passing through the center, which is the basis of the concept of self-referencing.
The other basic concept is that within the fabric of the universe, there is infinite energy. This has been given various names -- zero point energy field, The Field, Source Field, Morphic Field, Akashic Field, Aether (or Ether), etc. The energy of the field powers all elements within the universe, from stars to atoms to the torus structure.
This article will explore the phenomenon of awareness in everything, the development of the concept of the fundamental pattern, the arguments for our living in a sea or field of infinite energy, and will also explore the concept of awareness as possibly being in the center of the torus structure.
Awareness -- An Inherent Universal Phenomenon
In the fundamental quantum physics wave/particle experiment2, certainly the observer's intention is involved, but can there be an aspect of awareness of the photon or electron receiving information from the observer which enables the photon or electron to behave as a wave or a particle? Is the fundamental structure of photons or electrons a torus which is self-referencing and thus has a degree of awareness?
At the macro level, one sees awareness in a number of examples. Cleve Backster demonstrated awareness in plants in numerous experiments3. Dr. Backster was a pioneer and leading expert in the field of lie detection. Using his equipment, he decided to test the galvanic response of a Dracaena cane plant by connecting a polygraph electrode to the plant. As expected, no unusual signal was observed when the plant was hooked up. However, Dr. Backster wondered if the plant would respond if he were to put a lighted match on one of the leaves. The thought (intention) of burning a leaf immediately initiated a strong galvanic response. Since the plant was aware of Dr. Backster, Dr. Backster discovered that he did not need to be in the vicinity of the plant to initiate a galvanic response. He could set up his instruments and be miles away. At the time when he had the intention of harming the plant, the plant would respond. Thus, non-locality was an aspect of the plant awareness. The plant was also aware of life around it. When Dr. Backster put some live brine shrimp into boiling water, there was an immediate galvanic response from the plant. Boiling eggs or killing bacteria caused similar galvanic responses.
The above example is one of a living system (plant) being aware of other living systems (human or non-human). But is awareness involved if a human influences an electronic system? Working at the PEAR Labs (Princeton Engineering and Anomalies Laboratories), Drs. Robert Jahn, Brenda Dunne, and Roger Nelson have conducted thousands of experiments which consistently demonstrated that persons can influence random number generators (RNG) to be non-random 4. Odds are trillions to one that the result is due to chance; i.e., it is a real phenomenon (composite effect exceeds 7σs; (p = 3.5 x 10-13). Working with Dr. Dean Radin, it was also demonstrated that mass consciousness could influence random number generators 5,6. RNG machines were placed at various places around the world; whenever major events occurred that were viewed with large audiences (e.g., OJ Simpson trial verdict, Princess Di funeral, 9/11, etc.), there were significant spikes in the RNG data. Whatever the mechanism was that influenced the RNG machines, one could argue that the machines were responding based on a level of awareness.
It can also be argued that non-human consciousness/intention can also influence electronic/mechanical systems. Rene Peoc'h conducted many experiments using newly hatched chicks in a cage which, through a window, viewed a robot programed to wander randomly in an adjacent space7, 8. With no chicks present in the cage, the robot's movements were random. However, with the chicks present, 70% of the time the robot wandered in the vicinity of the window near the newly hatched chicks. The chicks needed to bond with their mother and the robot was perceived to be the mother; thus, the chicks wanted to be closer to their "mother" and influenced the random wanderings of the robot. Was some form of awareness at the electronic level of the robot involved in these experiments?
Jack Houck taught spoon bending for many years9. Thousands of persons have bent spoons. The technique involves an emphatic demand that the spoon bend. Subsequent to the demand, the spoon suddenly softens at the point where the attention to bend was given, and the person can literally wrap the spoon into a pretzel. Were the atoms of the spoon changing to accomplish the command due to some form of awareness? One can give the phenomenon a label (e.g., telekinesis), but the question of awareness still remains.
Zero Point Energy Field: Living in an Infinite Sea of Energy
In quantum physics, the energy of the vacuum at zero degrees Kelvin is known as the zero point energy field. Various authors have given different names to this field of energy: The Field10, Source Field11, Aether, Akashic Field12, etc. It is the vast sea of energy which propels the whole universe.
There is a fundamental problem with the quantum field theory. Per Gravitation, by Misner, Thorne, and Wheeler, as pointed out by Nassim Haramein in "Beyond the Event Horizon," present day quantum field theory "gets rid of, by a renormalization process," an energy density in the vacuum that would formally be infinite if not removed by this renormalization13, Richard Feynman has calculated that in the invisible field of energy at zero degrees Kelvin, one cup of the energy would be enough to boil all oceans of the world14. In other calculations, using the Planck length, one can calculate that 1 cubic centimeter of the vacuum of space has the density of 1094 grams per cubic centimeter. That fits the energy/matter of all the stars of the observable universe.
In the famous Michelson - Morley experiment15 in 1887, measuring the speed of light as influenced by the aether, they concluded that there was no aether since the speed of light did not decrease. Thus, scientists have discarded the concept of the aether based on their experiment. However, in 1986, E.W. Silvertooth, under the auspice of the US Air Force, repeated the experiment but with better equipment (described in Nature, vol.322, p. 590).16 The experiment gave the results expected if the aether existed. Thus, the presence of aether should now be in the science books rather than the statements that aether does not exist.
An example of the infinite sea of energy is the phenomenon of sonoluminescence14. If a glass sphere with water is resonated with sound and one introduces an air bubble in the center, there is an implosion in which light is emitted with a trillion-fold increase of energy above the energy which was put into the system. Another example would be that of the source of energy which keeps electrons from collapsing into the nucleus since electrons can radiate energy indefinitely.
Per David Bohm, "What is implied by this proposal is that what we call empty space contains an immense background of energy, and that matter as we know it is a small, "quantized" wavelike excitation on top of this background, rather like a tiny ripple on a vast sea." We thus live in an infinite sea of energy.
Is There a Fundamental Pattern in Everything?
Sacred Geometry14,17
Throughout the world there are ancient drawings of the Flower of Life (see Figure 1), including Egypt, China, South America, Africa, and other localities. From the Flower of Life came the figures of the Tree of Life, Seed of Life, Fruit of Life, Vesica Piscis, and Metatron's cube. There are only 5 basic solid shapes in addition to the sphere and torus: cube, tetrahedron, octahedron, dodecahedron, and icosahedron. Everything else is made up of combinations of these 5 basic shapes which are known as Platonic shapes. The shapes all arise from connecting the intersecting points found in Metatron's Cube. The patterns formed by the Flower of Life describe how the pattern of life is formed. As an example, after fertilization and cell division, the embryo forms a tetrahedron, then an octahedron, and eventually, the torus pattern emerges. The mystery schools taught this study of sacred geometry.

Another important aspect of sacred geometry is the phi ratio, also known as the golden mean. This irrational number is 1.618 and is seen in the Vesica piscis (length/width) and throughout nature. The ratio is seen in abundance in the human body when one looks at the ratios of the various lengths between joints (Fig 2). The curves formed by graphing the phi ratio is very frequently seen in nature -- e.g., pine cones, sea shells, etc. A double phi spiral creates natural boundaries which match perfectly with the shape of the human eye. The phi spiral is inherent in the torus structure. The Fibonacci series (a series of numbers in which each number is the sum of the two preceding numbers: (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, ....) approaches phi as one takes the ratios of the number, e.g., 21/13 or 1.615. The concept of octaves and the diatonic scale is related to the Fibonacci series. On a stringed instrument, plucking the strings in the ratios of 1:1, 1:2, 3:2, 5:3, 13:8, 21:13, and 34:21 creates the notes of one octave. The frequency doubles for the next octave. At the 48th to 49th octaves, one reaches the frequency of the primary colors, with infrared corresponding to the note F at the 48th octave and going to ultraviolet corresponding to the note G in the 49th octave. Thus, there is a link with geometry/math with octaves with the qualia attributes of sound and color.

There is also the link between vibrations (frequency, sound) and physical shapes. This was demonstrated in the field of Cymatics by Dr. Hans Jenny18, 19. Particles on a floating surface will assume physical shapes when vibrated with sound. Frequencies can be generated to produce the basic Platonic shapes. Similarly, Buckminster Fuller, using dye in a balloon, when vibrations were administered, could generate the Platonic shapes.
The link of geometry to elements at the atomic scale was shown by Dr. Robert J. Moon, a scientist who had worked on the Manhattan Project14, 20. Geometry could be used to explain shapes of orbitals of electrons and in describing sub-atomic structures such as mesons and bosons. In addition, the elements on the periodic table could be explained based on the Platonic solids. Each vertex on the Platonic solids corresponds to a proton in an element. Thus, the cube has 8 vertices, an octahedron has 6, icosahedron has 12, a dodecahedron has 20, for a total of 46, which accounts for the first 92 elements or half of the Periodic Chart. The other half of the Periodic Chart could be explained by combinations of two nests of geometries. If one looks at oxygen as a cube with 8 protons, it comprises 62.55% of all atoms in the earth's crust. Silicon would be an octahedron with 14 protons; it comprises 21.22% of the earth's crust. The 2 elements comprise 84% of the earth's crust.
Links to geometry are also present at the planetary level 14, 20. Earth has a grid pattern of powerful energies called ley lines, on which historical architectural sites have been built. These include megalithic structures such as dolmens, Menhirs, Avebury, Stonehenge, and the Great Pyramid. Ley lines have been known worldwide since antiquity in almost all cultures: the Irish called them Fairy Paths, the Greeks called them Sacred Roads of Hermes, the Egyptians named them Pathways of Min, the Chinese named them Lung Mei or Dragon Currents, Australian Aborigines described them as Dream Paths, the Polynesians called them Te Lapa or "Lines of Light," and the Maya built white roadways called Sacbes following these lines. In addition to the ley lines, there are Hartmann Grid Lines which run North - South and East - West directions. In addition, there are Curry Grid Lines which run diagonal to the Hartmann Lines.
Ivan Sanderson discovered that there are 12 locations equidistantly apart on Earth where anomalies occur (Bermuda Triangle, Devil's Sea east of Japan, etc.), forming an icosahedron pattern. The icosahedron can be geometrically inverted to form a dodecahedron. Russian scientists, adding the dodecahedron structure to Sanderson's discovery, found that the greatest earthquake lines were on the dodecahedron grid. In addition, 3,300 sacred complexes and ancient monuments were on the grid (Great Pyramid, Stonehenge, Avebury, ruins of Great Zimbabwe, Machu Picchu, etc.) 20.
Vortexes in the Zero Point Energy Field (Aether)
A number of theoreticians (Dan Winter, Paul La Violette, Milo Wolff, David Thompson, Jim Bourassa) 14, 20 have been describing matter as eddies or vortexes in the aether. The aether is described as the frictionless medium that permeates everything. The clairvoyants, Charles Leadbeater and Anne Bessant, in 1895, were asked to describe the atom. They drew a figure which was a double vortex, forming a torus shape, made from the aether, which they called the Anu. The new theoreticians describe the double vortex, forming a torus structure, as the basis of matter. An example would be 3 nesting tori (3 double vortexes) forming a cube from the faces of the vortex. The center of the vortex would be of highest gravity and is the nucleus, and the vortex cones' faces would be the electrons. The phi spirals are an integral part of the torus structure. The aether thus spirals with increasingly smaller wavelengths and frequency, becoming superluminal waves, spiraling to a perfect zero "still point" and shaping the nucleus.
Vector Equilibrium (VE) or Cuboctahedron -- Fundamental Geometric Structure
Buckminster Fuller realized the fundamental nature of the Vector Equilibrium (VE), a geometric structure, also called cuboctahedron. It is the only geometric form that has equal lengths for its edges and equal radial vectors to the center point of the VE21, The VE is a symmetrical array of eight tetrahedrons with their bases representing the triangular faces of the VE, all pointing towards the VE's center point. A prime characteristic of the vector equilibrium (VE) is its ability to dynamically pulse in both left and right-handed rotation from its fully-expanded state (the VE structure) to its fully-contracted state which is an octahedron, passing through a specific phase that creates an icosahedron as it does so.
When the torus, VE, and the phi spirals are put together, you end up with the figure below (Figure 3).

Figure 3. The Vector Equilibrium, Dan Winter's vortex forming the torus structure with phi spiral, and putting the structures together 21,22,23.
Some of the essential characteristics of the torus flow process are: it is centered by a still point (the singularity at the center); it has a central vertical axis of rotation; it both receives and emits energy simultaneously; it is self-sustaining and made from the medium in which it exists. The pulsing, pumping dynamic of the VE creates a toroidal flow, the VE being the energetic "skeletal structure" of a toroidal system. The toroidal structure and flow is seen everywhere -- in the structures of the apple, of man, of red blood cells, of the galaxy, of the sun and earth, etc.
The phi spiral pattern within the torus is similarly seen everywhere. The pattern shows up everywhere -- it is a way for organisms to grow while maintaining proportion among their parts. In man, we see the ratio when we start measuring the ratios of how all our joints are put together. The shape of the eye is simply a double phi spirals coming together, creating the natural boundaries of the eye and pupil. We see its shape in shells, in pinecones, and in the shape of the galaxy.
The Fundamental Pattern of the Isotropic Vector Matrix (IVM) to Formation of the Double Torus
Buckminster Fuller described the isotropic vector matrix as the most stable structure. If one creates an array of tetrahedrons with 10 tetrahedrons forming a triangular base, then adding 6 tetrahedrons to form the next level up, followed by 3 tetrahedrons at the third level up and finally a single tetrahedron at the fourth level at the top, one creates a larger, stable tetrahedral structure called an isotropic vector matrix21, 24.

Figure 4. Isotropic Vector Matrix
Nassim Haramein, working with the IVM, saw that the spaces between the tetrahedrons formed octahedrons24. Half of the octahedron is the basis of the pyramid structure so commonly seen throughout historical sites on Earth. Within the structure of the octahedrons is another set of three tetrahedrons pointing down. This is anomalous since in nature there is usually symmetry. Thus, Nassim Haramein reasoned that there must be two sets of IVMs -- one on top and one on the bottom. This would create an oval structure and nature likes a spherical structure when dealing with tetrahedrons. Thus, if one rotates the IVM and merges the two IVMs, one gets the star tetrahedron. The three sets of asymmetric tetrahedrons now make a perfect match. At the very center of the star tetrahedron is the Vector Equilibrium (cuboctahedron structure). The VE geometry is in full equilibrium; the 12 vectors in middle and edge are identical.
With the 40 tetrahedrons of the star tetrahedron structure, Nassim Haramein noticed the structure had some holes (tetrahedron). With three tetrahedrons coming together at each of the vertices of the star tetrahedron for a total of 24 additional tetrahedrons, the resulting structure now has 64 tetrahedrons. Within the resulting new structure, a second level VE (cuboctahedron) has formed. This is equivalent to growth of the structure to the next octave. The new structure can also be viewed as 8 star tetrahedrons coming together. There is now a way to create perfect equilibrium in growth from infinitely small to infinitely big, with growth in perfect octaves. The 64 tetrahedron grid is the first structural fractal of wholeness in balanced integrity. It should be noted that 64 is found in numerous systems in the cosmos; e.g., 64 codons in our DNA, 64 hexagrams in the I Ching, 64 tantric arts of the Kama Sutra, and 64 is the underlying structure in the Mayan calendar.

Figure 5. Isotropic Vector Matrix, 64 Tetrahedron Grid 21, 25
The double torus structure is derived from the formation of the 64 tetrahedron grid. In the formation of the 64 tetrahedron structure, each of the two IVMs proscribes a sphere. The merge of the two IVM spheres to form the star tetrahedron structure results in the geometry rotating and collapsing to form the double torus. This structure is seen throughout the universe, from galaxies to suns to planets. Matter spews forth from the junction of the 2 torus structures, forming the spiral appearance of galaxies. The current flows of Earth are derived from its double torus pattern. The math of this phenomenon is described by Nassim Haramein and Elizabeth Raucher26, 27
If one plots, on a logarithmic scale, the frequency of oscillating bodies with the radius of those bodies, one obtains a straight line. The relationship exists from small (atoms, molecules, cells) to large (galaxies, quasars). This provides further evidence that there is a fundamental pattern which can grow from infinitely small to infinitely big and that the growth is logarithmically related. The fundamental pattern, with the VE, the IVM, and the 64 tetrahedron matrix, which can grow in octaves, would fit such a logarithmic relationship.
Foster Gamble has built up the periodic table based on the principles described above, with the torus as the fundamental unit composing each atom of all the elements. His website,, has excellent graphics showing the toroidal structure of atoms, growing to molecules, cells, then to whole organisms or plants, planets, solar systems, and galaxies.
In any discussion of the fundamental pattern, one needs to bring in the work of Walter Russell.28 Walter was a polymath -- a nationally recognized painter, sculptor, philosopher, and scientist. His works are key exhibits and tourist attractions in Washington, DC. In 1921, he had an out-of-body experience which he described: "A brilliant flash like lightning severed my bodily sensation from my consciousness and I found myself freed from my body and wholly in the Mind Universe of Light, which is God." In that state, he was shown the nature of creation. For creating matter, he describes two aspects: (1) "positive electric condition compresses large volumes of light waves into small volumes by winding them centripetally into spiral vortices by forcing them inward" and (2) "negative electric condition expands small volumes of light waves into large volumes by unwinding them centrifugally into voiding equators where matter disappears. Radiation thrusts outward from within to depolarize matter & void motion." This description has many similarities to the view of the atom which Charles Leadbeater and Anne Bessant saw clairvoyantly. It is also similar to the description of the vortex structure resulting in the torus formation as viewed by the theorists describing the nature of matter. If one introduces rotation in the octave growth of the 64 tetrahedron matrix described by Nassim Haramein, one also sees a similar structure viewed by Walter Russell. As a scientist, Walter drew the octave growth of elements in the periodic table. In doing this, he was able to predict some new elements which were subsequently proven to exist.
It is also interesting to note that PMH Atwater29, who had a number of near-death experiences in which she was out of her body, described her encounter with God in one of those experiences. What she saw were four vortexes with their apices coming together in the center. She did not understand the structure until she saw a similar structure shown by Bill Tiller in one of his presentations. This structure is similar to the vortex structures which were drawn by Walter Russell.
It is also interesting to note that the name of God in Hebrew is YHWH (or Yahweh) which is translated as "Tetragrammaton" from Greek. Tetra refers to four and may refer to the four faces of a tetrahedron and grammaton may refer to weight or gravity. Old Testament pictures show the worship of a triangle on a throne which is described as the "Throne of God." (see Figure 6)13, 30.

Figure 6. Association of Name of God, YHWH, with tetrahedron and gravity (Tetragrammaton).
The Amplituhedron
In quantum physics, Feynman Diagrams are used to study and map the pathways of particle interactions. The physicists Nima Arkani-Hamed and Jaroslav Trnka discovered that a jewel-like geometric object greatly simplified the calculations of particle interactions. They named the structure "amplituhedron"31. Encoded in its volume are the most basic features of reality that can be calculated -- the probabilities of outcomes of particle interactions. Such a structure challenges the basic understandings of space/time and matter. It suggests that a fundamental pattern may be at the basis of the understanding of the universe.
David Wilcock, upon seeing the amplituhedron, realized that it was one quarter of a star tetrahedron. It argues that the universe may be the emanations of a single geometric form and that the star tetrahedron may play a fundamental role in the understanding of the universe. It is also interesting to note that in Drunvalo Melchizedek's Ancient Secrets of the Flower of Life book, the star tetrahedron is the primary structure surrounding man and that its rotation is the basis of his merkaba meditation. From our previous discussions of Nassim Haramein's work, the 64 tetrahedron matrix is composed of eight star tetrahedrons coming together.
Self-Referencing/Awareness and the Torus Structure
The premise of this paper and the evidence presented here is that there appears to be a fundamental pattern that makes up the universe and that it is present in everything from infinitely small to infinitely big. The torus structure is derived from the basic tetrahedron structure. The vortex rotations within the torus structure imply that all parts of the vortex pass through the center of the torus. The torus resides in and is composed of an infinite sea of energy to replenish it forever. If the sea of energy (Source Field, Zero Point Energy Field) is one, then the torus centers are connected to all other torus centers. Since everything passes through the center of the torus, the torus is self-referencing. If self-referencing is an aspect of awareness, one might speculate that the torus structure is associated with awareness/consciousness.
1. Cosmometry:
2. Double-Slit Experiment:
3. Backster, Cleve, Primary Perception: Biocommunication with Plants, Living Foods, and Human Cells (2003) White Rose Millennium Press,ISBN 0-9664354-3-5
4. R. G. Jahn, B. J. Dunne, R. D. Nelson, Y. H. Dobyns, and G. J. Bradish, Correlations of Random Binary Sequences with Pre-Stated Operator Intention: A Review of a 12-Year Program, Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 345--367, 1997.
5. Radin, D. I., Rebman, J. M., & Cross, M. P. (1996). Anomalous organization or random events by group consciousness: Two exploratory experiments. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 10(1), 143.
6. L. I. Mason, R.P. Patterson, D. I. Radin, Exploratory Study: The Random Number Generator and Group Meditation, Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 295--317, 2007.
7. Rupert Sheldrake, Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home, p. 271-273.
8. Rene Peoc'h:
9. Houck, J., PK Parties, 1988.
10.MacTaggart, L., The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe (2008).
11. Wilcock, D., Source Field Investigations (2012).
12. Laszlo, E., Science and the Akashic Field: An Integral Theory of Everything (2007).
13. Haramein, N., Crossing the Event Horizon, DVD.
14. Wicherink, J., Souls of Distortion Awakening,
15. Michelson-Morley:
16. Silvertooth, E.W., Nature, vol.322, p. 590 (Aug,1986)
17. Melchizedek, D., The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, Volume 1 and 2 and Gary Meisner:
18. Cymatics:
19. Cymatics:
20. Wilcock, D., Source Field Investigations
21. Vector Equilibrium:
22. Jan Wicherink, Souls of Distortion Awakening, p. 81
23. How It All Fits Together:
24. Nassim Haramein:
25. Tetrahedron Grid:
26. Haramein, N. and Rauscher, E.A. "The origin of spin: A consideration of torque and coriolis forces in Einstein's field equations and Grand Unification Theory", in R. L. Amoroso, B. Lehnert & J-P Vigier (eds.) Beyond The Standard Model: Searching For Unity In Physics. The Noetic Press. 2005, pp. 153--168.
27. N. Haramein, M. Hyson, E. A. Rauscher, Proceedings of The Unified Theories Conference (2008), Budapest, Hungary, Scale Unification: A Universal Scaling Law for Organized Matter, in Cs Varga, I. Dienes & R.L. Amoroso (eds.)
28. Clark, G.,The Man Who Tapped the Secrets of the Universe.
29. Atwater, PMH, Panel Discussing Near Death Experience, Foundation for Mind-Being Research Lecture, April 26, 2013.
30. Tetragrammaton:
31. Amplituhedron: