What a weird dystopia we find ourselves in. I still firmly believe that the shock and horror of whatever is in store for us collectively will give way to something better. People will wake up and realize that we really are all in this together, that we need each other and that we owe each other kindness, compassion, community, and mutual care. And we will take that awareness, and we will build systems that incorporate those beliefs into their very fabric so that our new societies will be built on love and cooperation rather than dominance and greed. That’s the vision that keeps me from falling into despair.

Perhaps you are feeling the rapidly increasing frequencies that are available to us on the planet now. More and more people are recognizing that we are in a place of profound transformation on every level: old systems, old ways of being are crumbling and what’s emerging is anybody’s guess, though theories abound. At FMBR we believe that human consciousness is evolving at an increasing pace and that this time in the history of the planet is an extraordinarily potent time in our evolution.

There is something bubbling up that I want to talk about. The problem is that it’s not quite made itself known to me yet. So I’m turning it over in my mind and my heart, exploring what wants to make itself known to me.

I’ve had a couple of clues. It’s funny how that works. I’ll be going about my business, living my life and then something will light up for me, something I see, or read, or something someone says will draw my attention for just a little longer than usual. Or much longer than usual. That’s how I know it’s something that wants to be explored.

Most of us first heard about the Twisties a few years ago when gymnast and super-human, Simone Biles dropped out of a gymnastics competition at the Tokyo Olympics because she had developed a case of The Twisties, an affliction in which a gymnast, hurtling through space and time suddenly loses orientation, can’t tell which way is up, where her body is in space or where and how she is going to land. Just the thought of being in that situation is scary.