Jerry Gin: Our “I AM” Essence and the Nature of Harmony

Jerry Gin discusses:

The fundamentals of achieving Harmony and why that is important. With that lesson, you may find yourself achieving a greater level of happiness.

The nature of imbalance and why that causes illness on a personal level, breakup of relationships, political party dysfunctions, wars, and other problems. On a planetary basis, imbalances cause earthquakes, volcanoes, and hurricanes.

How matter is formed and that all matter is formed in this manner.

Why imbalances are inherent in the formation of matter and how you can bring back balance.

How you interact with matter, but that the essence of you is not matter.

Dr. Jerry Gin is the author of The Teacher and The Seeker of Light. He is also the Chairman and CEO of FMBR (Foundation for Mind-Being Research), a nonprofit organization that seeks to advance the consciousness of individuals and organizations to enable us to live in greater harmony with one another, the earth, and the cosmos. Jerry’s driving passion for the past 20 years has been exploring the nature of the universe. To this end, his activities have included research, studies in many diverse disciplines, experiential activities in self-exploration, and growth and knowledge through inner knowing.

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